This section seems a bit pointless really. Might be better moved elsewhere
CLIP provides a number of calls that interact with the CLIP Process. (See the Reference Section Runtime System Calls for a detailed description of each).
// Exiting
if ( ClpAmAutonomous() )
ClpDiag( "Exit called - Shut down everything" );
ClpExit( 0 );
else if ( ClpAmRootMaster() )
ClpDiag( "Exit called by Master - Shut down everything" );
ClpSleep( 5000 );
ClpExit( 0 );
ClpDiag( "Exit called by Slave %d - Shut down slave", ClpThisSlaveId() );
// Heartbeat
while ( TRUE )
Uns memUsage = ClpMemAllocated();
Uns concurrency = ClpConcurrency();
Uns peakConcurrency = ClpMaxConcurrent();
ClpDiag( "Concurrency = Current %d Peak %d",
concurrency, peakConcurrency );
ClpDiag( "Memory MB = Current %d Available %d",
MB(memUsage), MB(MAX_MEM) );
ClpSleep( 1000 );
// Job creation
Uns maxNumSlaves = clp_max_num_slaves();
Uns lastNumSlaveCPUs = 0;
Uns numTasks = 0;
Uns taskSize = JOB_SIZE;
while ( TRUE )
// count num of available CPUs
Uns numSlaveCPUs = 0;
for ( Uns i = 0; i < maxNumSlaves; ++i )
if ( SlaveConnected( i ) )
numSlaveCPUs += ClpSlaveSmpIdx();
// has num slave CPUs changed
if ( numSlaveCPUs != lastNumSlaveCPUs )
// calculate number of tasks
lastNumSlaveCPUs = numSlaveCPUs;
numTasks = lastNumSlaveCPUs + 1;
numTasks *= numTasks;
// calculate task size (rounded up)
taskSize = 1 + (JOB_SIZE-1) / numTasks;
// Do all tasks
Uns taskStart = 0;
for ( Uns t = 0; t < numTasks; ++t )
// do each full task
if ( taskStart + taskSize < JOB_SIZE )
Do( t, taskStart, taskSize );
else // do underflow bit
Do( t, taskStart, JOB_SIZE - taskStart );
taskStart += taskSize;